Leonardo DiCaprio's Workout Plan
>> Saturday, November 19, 2011
Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the hottest celebrities in the Hollywood. He has been working tremendously to maintain his body shape in perfect structure. The Titanic hero is doing a great workout daily in order to fit according to the character in his recent movie. His eating habit for the workout is the most important thing in the basic level. So the diet list of Leonardo DiCaprio mostly consists of natural materials. Most of the food intake by the star includes organic foods which has great level of vitamins, carbohydrates and similar kind of minerals. Some of the main diet foods contains negligible amount of fat contents and thus this would be very essential for the fit of the whole body. Leonardo DiCaprio mostly avoids food that consists of large amount of calories in them. So in order to have physical structure, the caloric intake from his meal is minimized in greater level. Moreover lots of healthy stuffs are taken under consideration for a perfect meal. He does extreme workout and never gives up until the high cardio workout is attained. Leonardo DiCaprio follows strict workout routine and diet program. The workout mostly consists of unlimited number of bench presses and military presses. Furthermore repetitive numbers of straight bar curls are done in order to sustain the physical shape. Better look for triceps and backside of the upper body is given by working out with the rear dips of certain parts. The legs and arm parts are toned into perfect shape by working according to the weight loss exercises. The sits-up and pull-ups are very important routine in maintaining the strength of the whole body. To reduce fat content and attain weight loss in the entire body structure, strength training is done. First the strength training process is taken in a small level and then depending upon the outcome that we needed the scale is increased.
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